The composition of the research team reflects the different facets of this project, namely: marketing and communication of tourism products; economics; public health; and social and psychological changes in the tourist. The team members are:
Investigador Principal
José Alberto Castañeda García
Department of Marketing and Market Research
Equipo de investigación
Dolores M. Frías Jamilena
Department of Marketing and Market Research
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Molina
Department of Marketing and Market Research
Ana Isabel Polo Peña
Department of Marketing and Market Research
Carmen M. Sabiote Ortiz
Department of Marketing and Market Research
Julio Vena Oya
Department of Economics and Business (University of Almería)
Rocío García-Retamero Imedio
Department of Experimental Psychology
David Epstein
Department of Applied Economics
Nuria Romo Avilés
Department of Social Anthropology
Ana García López
Department of Drawing
Fernando O. Grosso
Doctoral students of the University of Granada
Patricia Carrasco
Doctoral students of the University of Granada
Jaime Espín Balbino
Andalusian School of Public Health
Juan Carlos Rejón Parrilla
Health Technology Assessment Department
César González Martín
Adolfo Ibáñez University